In the new package, you can take local and long-distance trains along the Rhine from Frankfurt via Mainz to Koblenz.
The scenario package includes 2 ICE, 2 IC / EC, 2 S-Bahn, 2 RB and 2 Süwex scenarios. The scenarios offer a lot of variety, especially in AI traffic.
All trains run according to the original timetable from 2021.
There are current train destination displays on the platforms. Of course, train announcements are also included.
Required addons: Frankfurt-Koblenz (Steam), ICE4, KI-Verkehrspack (both 3DZug), BR 101 IC EL (vR), RWA-BR 423 (RSSLO), BR 146.2 (Niclas Lindner)
Features at a glance: more than 13 hours of fun, train announcements, train destination displays at the stations, use of original timetables