LF31 - The IC2 from Railtraction

Product no.: R1182
tax free because of § 19 UStG
Price reductions

In 10 scenarios you drive through Germany. Drive with the class 146.5 or the IC2-cab car from Railtraction.

4 x Muenster - Bremen

4 x Dresden - Leipzig

2 x Karlsruhe - Offenburg

All scenarios have of course train announcements and all passenger trains use the original timetable.

Required Routes: Muenster-Bremen (virtual Tracks), Dresden-Leipzig, Karlsruhe-Strassburg (both Steam)

Required Addons: BR 146.5, IC2-long distance traffic (both Railtraction), AI-traffic package2 (3DZug)

Features: more than 12 hours of fun, train announcements, authentic various AI-traffic, useage of original timetables


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