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XL03 - The big IC-package

Product no.: R1151
tax free because of § 19 UStG
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The third XL-package is all around the Intercity-traffic in Germany.

In 5 diffrent ICs you drive 5 diffrend routes all over in Germany.

4 x Hamburg - Hannover (BR 101 IC EL)

4 x Münster - Bremen (BR 120 IC EL)

4 x Dresden - Leipzig (IC 2)

4 x Munich - Augsburg (2x ET403 IC EL, 2x IC-Mod von 3DZug)

4 x Munich - Rosenheim (2x ET403 IC EL, 2x IC-Mod von 3DZug)

The scenarios for Munich-Augsburg and Munich-Rosenheim are follower scenarios.

For the first time the AI-traffic package 2 from 3DZug is in useage.

All scenarios have individual train announcements and all personal trains use the original timetable from 2023.

Required Routes: Hamburg-Hannover, Dresden-Leipzig, Munich-Augsburg, Munich-Rosenheim (all are available over Steam), Münster-Bremen (virtual Tracks)

Required Addons: BR 101 IC EL, BR 120 IC EL, ET403 IC EL (all vR), IC2 (Steam), IC-Mod, AI-traffic package 2 (both 3DZug)

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